PhotoFriday: fancy
fancy dancers
Photoblog with random writings...from NY's Lower Hudson Valley
Tulips looking a little chilly today. They don't want to open up all the way. Just as pretty kind of closed, I think.
I'm participating in "World Photo Day" this year on June 1st. The idea is to record your day visually and share the photos with...the world. No pressure! I think it's a great idea. I just hope their site doesn't crash!! *crosses fingers for Drew and WPDsite* I noticed that you cannot "right-click-copy" the photos (I tried to use the logo here) that are shown there. A good thing.
My daughter is a collector. She collects little keepsakes and deposits them throughout the house, her drawers, her desk, wherever she can find a flat surface. She kept the little yellow bow from her chocolate Easter bunny. She kept the rubberband from the first ponytail she made by herself. Reminds me of Scout in "To Kill A Mockingbird." She looks longer at things and it seems like she's considering them and trying to fit them into her little six-year-old perception of the world.
Turned the car around last night to catch the sunset. People must've thought I was either nuts or a suspicious character (or both) as I was pulled over and camped on a median with my tripod. Hey, they do it in California and look how happy those folks are... ;-) I was attending my college roommate's wedding south of LA awhile back and on a free night, I was walking to the beach near sunset time. I was about two blocks from the beach and I could see it setting between the buildings. As a lifetime east coaster, seeing the sun set over water is a big deal. I was stuck at a crosswalk light when two guys in a convertible, who had the green light, come to an abrupt stop. They're waving me out into the crosswalk, "Go! GO!" I'm yellin back, "You have the light!" They yell back, "You're gonna miss the sunset!" Hey, cool! Rock on, dudes! You gotta love surfers.
I was looking for an old photo last night, to no avail. I took it in Rome in 1992, while walking between some incredibly old buildings there. Well, everything there is incredibly old compared to our buildings. I remember I was walking on a passageway between two buildings and I thought I had made a wrong turn. I put my bag down to look at my map when a bridal party walked out of this ancient church. The bride looked amazing, all in white against the backdrop of these old, grey buildings. She held a red bouquet and there were little children all dressed up running around the stairs. The camera was on top of my bag and I quickly took a shot. It turned out really nice and I remember being glad I had gotten lost. There's a space in my photo album where it should've been. Not sure when I pulled it out, but I'm kicking myself now for not returning it.
Is it so small a thing
My friend Kathleen got me into Haiku last year, writing mostly Lord of the Rings inspired Haiku. Every once in awhile, she'd offer a haiku challenge with various themes. I like this form of poetry because it's short and sweet and I can usually find time to jot a few lines down between kiddie activities. Many thanks to her for giving me a new outlet for my writing!
april opens windows
breezy curtains sway
tea's cold again
Tough lighting at 12:30 on a sunny afternoon...just started learning how to compensate for it ...but not in time for these! They're kinda washed out, so grab your sunglasses!
This is one of my favorite places to walk. It's up on the backside of Stormville Mountain in East Fishkill. I found it years ago when I was planning a benefit bike tour through the valley. This was part of the killer 40-mile route. This bucolic area was part of the last six miles, mostly hills, but well worth the trip.
Some visitors to the old farm yesterday. I was driving by and pulled over to take a pic of them but they started waddling over to me. I swear I thought they were going to ask for directions! I didn't want them to get hurt crossing the road, so I left them there...I'm sure they found their way or at least enjoyed the field during their visit.
There's an old farm near my house that will soon be turned into yet another golf course. Mind you, we have five golf courses within an 8 mile radius of my house. If you extend the radius to 12 miles, we have a dozen courses.
April crocus
Went hiking before lunch today at a nearby state park. Interesting ground flora in the woods there. Here's a few from the hike.
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;