Monday, April 18, 2005

Photo of a Bride

I was looking for an old photo last night, to no avail. I took it in Rome in 1992, while walking between some incredibly old buildings there. Well, everything there is incredibly old compared to our buildings. I remember I was walking on a passageway between two buildings and I thought I had made a wrong turn. I put my bag down to look at my map when a bridal party walked out of this ancient church. The bride looked amazing, all in white against the backdrop of these old, grey buildings. She held a red bouquet and there were little children all dressed up running around the stairs. The camera was on top of my bag and I quickly took a shot. It turned out really nice and I remember being glad I had gotten lost. There's a space in my photo album where it should've been. Not sure when I pulled it out, but I'm kicking myself now for not returning it.

Anyway, all that thinking about that lovely bride last night stuck in my head. About how wedding days are filled with such a range of emotions and energy. My wedding day wasn't, as I was muddled in the details of having a reception under a tent at my parents' house and I had a sister-in-law who kidnapped me the night before to "help me relax." Uh...not...things aren't done! The bartender doesn't know where the liquor is! The caterer needs cajoling! What?! Grandpa didn't finish the cake yet! It all came off without a hitch, mostly, but it wasn't at all like some brides have it.

Here's one I wrote last night...for all the brides...

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wedding day
ring all the church bells!
drape satin ribbons!
set crimson flowers by the altar!

closest friends,
distant family
his and hers, gathering together

let the children run round the garden
laughter floating to the sky
tell the choir, cue the organs
singing joyous songs on high

pin the roses
brush the shoulders
shine the boys' shoes extra bright

close pearl buttons

smooth the lace trim
fluff the veil of antique white

bouquet in hand now
take my hand now
vows we'll make now
love for life.


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