Around the garden this week
I was reading a photo site recently and a guy said, "flower shots are so boring..." They are?! These are not the words of a gardener. I love taking shots of the garden as it progresses along. You put so much into it, you kind of want a record of what came from all that effort! It seems the big spring dig paid off so far. The deer *knock on milorganite* have kept away except for a few hostas on the outer borders. I can spare those. Now the garden is really starting to come around. I love all the new colors this year. Lots of purples and yellows. Ok, one misplaced white/orange iris, but I bought it on a $1 end-of-year stand because it looked so needy. Kind of clashes with the pink rhododendron behind it, but I had no idea they would bloom simultaneously. There's always next year.
This year, though, I'm enjoying the flowers.
Your garden looks so lovely! I need to get out my camera and get some shots soon. My sundrops and yellow daylilies decided to bloom simultaneously this year, so I am drowning in a sea of yellow.
And flower shots boring? There's just so much color with flowers! Hot, brilliant, intense, emotional color! Try to do that with city scapes. ;-)
What a dork.. Flower pictures are so awesome. There is so much fine detail in each blossom, that I can look at them for hours.. I wish you could come and take these great photos of my garden..
How pretty!
I am in complete agreement with you about taking pics of the garden. It takes so much work and the flowers come and go so quickly.
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